
Friday, May 31, 2019

Essay --

In mijn essay behandel ik het up boek het Maatschappelijke verdrag van Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Ik heb voor dit boek gekozen, omdat Rousseau mij heel erg interesseerde toen ik hem tegenkwam in handboek 2, het oog in de storm geschreven door Ellen Geerlings. Ik was vooral aangetrokken door zijn denken over de staat, omdat ik mijzelf al lang afvraag waar het naar toe gaat met deze maatschappij waar wij nu in leven, en zo kwam ik bij het Maatschappelijke verdrag terecht. Rousseau is geboren in 1712 te Genve. Zijn moeder overleed kort na zijn geboorte en zijn vader leerde hem lezen en schrijven op goed niveau. Op zijn 17e bekeerde hij zich tot het katholicisme. En hij gaat naar Parijs in 1742. Zijn interesse naar de filosofie kwam in zijn 37e levensjaar toen hij de opstelwedstrijd Welke bijdrage heeft de versterkte positie van wetenschappen en kunsten geleverd aan de verfijning der zeden? won en daardoor in 1 klap een beroemde schrijver is. Zijn interesse voor de filosofie groeit. Hij k eert terug naar Genve en wordt weer protestants. De plotselinge aandacht give way hij kreeg maakte het moeilijk om zijn visie weer te geven. Rousseau is een contractdenker, die de ongelijkheid in deze maatschappij ziet als een voortbrengsel van cultuurhistorische teruggang, doordat bezit en liefde naar onszelf toe ingang hebben gevonden in een meer oorspronkelijke natuurtoestand van samenleven. Er is een verschil tussen mensen die in de natuurtoestand leven en tussen mensen die leven in de maatschappij. Iemand moet de stad gaan bewonen en voordeel doen, en niet doen wat de rest van de stad doet. Rousseau zijn denken in het algemeen is dat de mens terug naar de natuur moet om helemaal vrij te zijn, maar hier bedoelt hij niet mee dat mensen weer in het wo... ...us gevormd door een ieder die zich aan dit Maatschappelijke verdrag houdt. De staat zijn dus dezelfde mensen als de Soeverein. Dus de burgers bepalen wat ze willen en dan zijn zij ook de onderdanen die doen wat zij zelf wille n, dus die de algemene wil volgen. Hierdoor ontstaat er voor iedereen vrijheid, omdat iedereen doet wat hij/zij zelf bepaald heeft. Er ontstaat natuurlijk ook zelfbehoud, omdat iedereen bepaald heeft en het dan ook iedereen zijn verantwoordelijkheid is dat elk individu beschermd wordt tegen aanvallen. Datgene wat de burgers (soeverein) bepaald over het belang worden wetten genoemd. Hierin staat de vrijheid van het volk en dit zijn geen wetten die de vrijheid willen beperken. Dit is volgens Rousseau de enige menselijke vorm die de vrijheid kan aannemen wanneer men het zelfbehoud als uitgangspunt neemt (blz.20 Het Maatschappelijke verdrag) .

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Harley_davidson: The American Legend :: essays research papers

Harley Davidson The American LegendThe first thought of cycles as a means of transportation began in the twelvemonth 1900. The pioneers of this field were William S. Harley and his lifelong friend Arthur Davidson. They were both born and raised in Milwaukee, WI. It alsok them almost three years to build their first production ready motorcycle which was a single cylinder, 10 cubic inch engine. It was bolted directly to a bicycle chassis driven by a pulley system with a leather belt. We are going to look at the development, racing, and the people who made the Harley Davidson an American Legend.In 1907 they were experimenting with a two-cylinder model, which was essentially the same engine they started with. The only unlikeness was that they had bolted one more cylinder at a 45 degree angle to the first. There were only two configurations possible. The side-by side twin would have been too wide and bulky. The v-configuration was the necessary choice. According to Harry Sucher, autho r of Harley Davidson The Milwaukee marvel, engine power would nearly double while adding far less than double the weight. meridian Harley engineered the engine. He figured that he would need to nock the cylinders reach the top of their stroke near simultaneous to take advantage of low range torque, and make the engine more dependable according to Rand Leffingwell, Harley-Davidson History & Mystique. This created two lasting effects The vibration and the exhaust sound for which Harley-Davidsons because famous.After the first 15 years, Harley-Davidson had establish themselves as a fore-runner in the motorcycle market. The other prominent companies were Indian, Thor, and Excelsior. At the beginning of WWI, they were overwhelmed with orders from governments around the globe for bikes for the war effort. This allowed Harley-Davidson to almost triple the size of their manufacturing plant, which is passive located in the same place in Milwaukee. These orders brought greater economic pro sperity to all the motorcycle companies of the time but especially Harley-Davidson.Harley-Davidson became truly involved with racing between 1915 and 1925. They have continued to stay involved in racing ever since, but with much less success since they had to start competing with Japanese companies. The Harley-Davidson always placed in the top five at every event, and sometimes all five seats were taken by Harley-Davidsons. These early races were very well organized but usually very dangerous. This scared a major(ip)ity of the public but the young were entranced by it and sought for sponsorship from major companies such as Harley-Davidson.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Busy Bubbles Laundromat and Car Cleaning Essay -- Observation Essays, D

sprightly Bubbles Laundromat and Car Cleaning Free drying is for wash customers onlyMay not be the most welcoming of banners, and yet if you be a wash customer you are one of the privileged and included. This wonderful space of washing, drying, tanning and gondola car cleaning has to be the one and only Busy Bubbles. A sm on the whole building just north of NDSU, this is an extraordinarily busy pocketable corner of the world we call Fargo- Moorhead. Not only, can you wash your car and tan this is a 24-hour laundromat that features free drying Doesnt sound like much in the large scheme of things, and yet the numbers of masses that dress down this business in a week is staggering. And while the NDSU campus is very close, and the word FREE is connected to this establishment, it is not only college students that frequent this place of business. For an avid people watcher this place is a gold mine Everyone needs clean clothes, and people of all kinds find their way to Busy Bubbles t o complete this chore.Busy Bubbles is a smallish building considering all of the activity that goes on inside. The first thing you notice as you approach the building, are the standard car wash stalls. The functional appearance of the inside isnt really surprising until you start to look around. The ordered green and white design on the wall seems a little at odds with the funky mismatched furniture, and the hodgepodge message board. Any one need a used truck or a novel kitten? Maybe you would like to work out of your home? Or apply to be a foster care family? This board will go forward any of your needs. The room appears a bit sterile, but there are little areas where you cant miss the touch of humanity. Dont swallow up to check the lost and found basket before you leave. ... ...le have entered. Two couples, one with a small child. I find it curious how both of these husbands vaporize as soon as the laundry is in the wash. I can see them out starting to wash their cars. Do t hey know how to run the washers? Or are they intimidated by a group of women together chatting? Even my new friends husband has found other things to do in the midst of this chatter. Women always have something to chat about with complete strangers. Well in the middle of all this simple chatting Ive finished my chore. I say goodbye to the matey couple, knowing its likely Ill never see then again. Thats how it is at the laundromat I venture. You meet people, pass the time, and then you all go your separate ways. I wonder out loud, as I go, if the pyjama lady will remember to come back for her clothes. I guess Ill have to check out the lost and found next time.

A Case Study of the International Finance Corporation in Nigeria :: Economics Business Case Study Essays

IFC Mission-To promote sustainable private sector investment in developingcountries.The World borders role, in my opinion, is to help improve the businessenvironment in the developing countries so that the private sector candrive growth.- Mr. Peter Woicke, executive Vice President of theWorld Bank Group (WBG) in charge of the International FinanceCorporation (IFC) - Lagos, August two hundred4.At the time Mr. Woicke was speaking, IFC involvement in Nigeria hadreached $200million in investment commitments, a figure quicklysurpassed in less than a year from that date (as at June 2005, IFCinvestment in Nigeria was to the tune of $290million). This was inspite of the fact that only five short years before (in 1999), IFC wasdoing practically no business in Nigeria and merely had a functional functional office in Lagos. Mr. Woicke went on to say- We have increasedour exposure since democracy returned from almost nothing to almost$800 million and an exposure at the IFC of about $200 millio n. We havemade a bigger bet to have the bank (WB) and the IFC work on Nigeriasproblems together. We were quite instrumental in advising thegovernment on reforms in the telecom sector. We have been pushing veryhard for privatization of other sectors.Clearly, the advent of democracy had re-ignited interest in Nigeria.The initiation of a reform schedule by the new government was alsoplaying a part in this renewed interest in Nigeria. Beyond financialcommitments however, IFC was beginning to cleft a great deal of otherservices towards developing the economic environment of business inNigeria. As Mr. Woicke put it- I actually cerebrate we should increaseour presence quite (in Nigeria) dramatically. We dont necessarilywant to lend tons of money to Nigeria, because Nigeria has lots ofresources. We can contribute in foothold of providing advice,transferring technology, providing technical know-how in social,environmental and corporate governance issuesIndeed, the nature of IFC operations globally and increasingly inNigeria were such that contribution was becoming greater in terms oftechnology, advice, social development, environmental assistance,corporate governance and ethical issues, and global competitivenessconcerns. IFC had begun to realize that their market, and indeed theirbusiness model had reached a pivotal turn wherein clients had begunto expect more than just project finance deals and long termsyndications.Governments were asking for help on private sector issues that wentfar beyond privatization or concession structuring. There had arisen acase for IFC involvement as much in the Economic as in the Social,Environmental, Technological, Global and indeed perhaps ultimately- policy-making Environment of Business.II. IFC- HISTORY AND EVOLUTIONThe International Finance Corporation (IFC) was founded in 1956 to

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Frederick Busch :: Frederick Busch Literature Essays

Frederick BuschWhen some whizz asked Emmanuel Siys what hed done during the prevail of Terror, he replied, I survived.Though the characters in the stories of Frederick Buschs latest collection dont have to contend with quite the same adversities as Monsieur Siys, nevertheless they experience revelations which are, in our modern context, just as terrifying.And more often than not, they survive them. These revelations usually involve the acquisition of knowledge--the sort of knowledge we frequently already possess, notwithstanding pretend that we dont parents have lives entirely secret from their children there is a point beyond which damaged love cannot be repaired nation use other people even when (and as) they love them.The families in these stories create stories of their own, stories about who and what they are as entities--stories which are often at odds with reality, but which help them to deal with the disappointments and tragedies of that reality.Clearly, the titles allusi on to Hansel and Gretel invites construe these as stories of innocence lost and most of the reviews of this oft-reviewed and much-praised collection (it was short listed for the 1995 Pen-Faulkner award) make much of this connection.But these are also stories of the terrifying darkness of adult responsibilities recognized and faced, though not always triumphantly. In Bread two children try to put their parents house together (or perhaps take it apart) after their parents accidental death one seeks refuge in sarcasm and denial, while the other makes bread which will never be eaten and thinks on various kinds of debris the still-smoking rubble of his two-year marriage, the great deal of clothes which has nothing to do with how my mother wore my fathers flannel shorts on Sunday to cook in...In the stylistically innovative Bring Your Friends to the Zoo, a rival (these are nearly always duets of longing) awkwardly try to dismantle (or remember?) their affair, while being directed by th e narrator about how to move, what to see formerly through the gate, face right.The Deer House, the Camel House ... As you face your right you see a path before you.Take it.The zoo would seem at maiden neutral ground, but we discover there is no neutrality, no one is the innocent bystander, the one-day tourist.In Is Anyone Left This Time of Year? tourism of another kind is explored when a recently widowed man visits a town where there are no more tourists, and once there, shell-shocked with grief, he merely repeats everything said to him, thus fitting an echo of his previous visits absolutely passive, he is the compleat tourist, merely and only seeing the sights.

Frederick Busch :: Frederick Busch Literature Essays

Frederick BuschWhen someone asked Em bituel Siys what hed done during the Reign of Terror, he replied, I survived.though the characters in the stories of Frederick Buschs latest collection dont have to contend with quite the same adversities as Monsieur Siys, nevertheless they encounter revelations which are, in our modern context, honest as terrifying.And more often than not, they survive them. These revelations usually involve the acquisition of knowledge--the sort of knowledge we frequently already possess, but pretend that we dont parents have lives exclusively secret from their children there is a point beyond which damaged love cannot be repaired people use other people even when (and as) they love them.The families in these stories create stories of their own, stories about who and what they are as entities--stories which are often at odds with reality, but which help them to deal with the disappointments and tragedies of that reality.Clearly, the titles allusion to Hansel a nd Gretel invites reading these as stories of innocence preoccupied and most of the reviews of this oft-reviewed and much-praised collection (it was short listed for the 1995 Pen-Faulkner award) make much of this connection.But these are also stories of the terrifying darkness of adult responsibilities recognized and faced, though not of all time triumphantly. In Bread two children try to put their parents house together (or perhaps take it apart) after their parents accidental death one seeks refuge in mockery and denial, while the other makes bread which will never be eaten and thinks on various kinds of debris the still-smoking rubble of his two-year marriage, the pile of clothes which has nothing to do with how my mother wore my fathers flannel shorts on Sunday to cook in...In the stylistically innovative Bring Your Friends to the Zoo, a couple (these are nearly always duets of longing) awkwardly try to dismantle (or remember?) their affair, while being directed by the narrato r about how to move, what to see Once through the gate, face right.The cervid House, the Camel House ... As you face your right you see a path before you.Take it.The zoo would seem at first neutral ground, but we interpret there is no neutrality, no one is the innocent bystander, the one-day tourist.In Is Anyone Left This Time of Year? tourism of another kind is explored when a recently widowed man visits a town where there are no more tourists, and once there, shell-shocked with grief, he merely repeats everything said to him, thus becoming an echo of his previous visits absolutely passive, he is the compleat tourist, merely and only seeing the sights.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Only Yesterday Essay

The Roaring Twenties as theyre c every last(predicate)ed, was the period of disco biscuit years in the Untied States, which saw the biggest change in society, the boom in the thriftiness, and later the downfall of the nation. This sequence in America was a beat of economic prosperity for the most part a great neighborly revolution took place and saw the formation of a modern America.All this is the subject, save yesterday An Informal History of the Nineteen-Twenties, written by Fredrick Lewis Allen. Allen writes a precise informative book of what happened throughout this great decade, but from the aspect of an ordinary individual. He writes of the social history of the 1920s, with little to mention of major politics and economics. From presidents to fashion, Allen covers it all. Its an effective expression at people in the 1920s, and what life was like. Only Yesterday begins in May 1919, and ends with a brief look at 1930 and 1931.The book begins out with a prologue more or le ss, in which Allen writes of a fictitious couple, the metalworkers, in the year 1919. Allen, through this prelude, tells the reviewer of the accomplishments up until 1919, and what is to come in the coming decade. This 14-page introduction lets reader get an idea of what is to come, within the book. It begins with a look at the wartime economy and slow down from it. The period of the so-called Red Scare is written in detail in this book. Allen writes of the terror during this time, from everything like Attorney-General Mitchell Palmers raids on radicals, labor strikes and anarchism, and the intolerance of the early 1920s. The Ku Klux Klan also played a major part in this period. The early 1920s was a great time of mass hysteria, and intolerance for anything un-American. In one such(prenominal) story Allen writes about, how a black boy is stoned to death in a lake by whites on the shore, in the summer of 1919.Even though this existed, the 1920s brought great change. The first radio b roadcast was in November 2, 1920. Allen talks about the social measure changing during this time as well. Everything from sports to makeup was becoming an obsession, like baseball and tennis for the guys, and bathing suits and makeup for the women. During this time new games such as Mah Jong from mainland China and crossword puzzles, and new songs, all which captured theAmerican spirit, as well as many other things, which thrilled Americans. As Allen writes, A few weeks later at that place was new national thrill as the news of the finding of the tomb of King Tut-Ankh-Amen, cabled all the way from Egypt, overshadowed the news of Radical trials and the K.K.K.This new time was the social revolution for the people. Ladies began smoking and drinking in public, skirts became shorter, the use of makeup, and the quest for slenderness began. The twenties was also a time of relaxed spirituality. Many looked at society as more important than religion. Celebrities replaced religion in some c ases. The younger gernartion searched for things such as passion and thrills, and were much more open with their sexuality. Charles Lindbergh and his trans-Atlantic flight threw him to stardom. Impressing others became the thing to do, and sexual appeal was big.Also during this time of social revolution, prohibition was in full swing, while the 18th amendment was passed, and did reduce drinking in the coun demonstrate, it wasnt very effective for a number of reasons. The mob and Al Capone ran bootlegging of alcohol. Racketeering was introduced during this time, many people looking for the get rich quick schemes, brought them into illegal activities such as bootlegging and such. People were just discovering themselves during this time and speak-easies and social clubs became the rage. Women would openly drink and smoke to show their independence.Allen talks of the Harding Presidency and the scandals that surrounded it. The return to normalcy as it was called he returned the presidenc y to the people. His scandals, which range from sneaking to secret bars in this time of prohibition, to appointing friends and family to the cabinet, and many others. Allen also writes of the Coolidge presidency and the prosperity along with it. The mental strain market was in a boom, and the economy pumping. The automobile industry fueled the economy and radios brought the people closer to each other. Under the Coolidge prosperity the Big misrepresent Market was formed. The stock market grew and grew. The economy grew and couldnt be stopped, the stocks grew dangerously high, but like all good things, it came to an end. The end of an era came about in 1929 on September 3, after that prices crashed and continued to fall until October 24, when the market began to steady again. Yet, the market fell even more, after that and into 1930the market would be at an all time low.Allen attributes this to a list of seven things ranging from overproduction to the psyche of the American public, all which led to the Great Depression. This is the last thing Allen writes, and he asks the question, What was to come in the nineteen-thirties? With the fall of the market, came the fall of individualism, as Allen writes, As the stock prices fell so did the lengths of the dresses These are the things, which defined the decade of the 1920s oily scandals, non-spirituality, the good old days, and the revolution, which, fell just as soon as was started. The 1920s was nothing like America had seen before. It was returned to the people, people werent afraid to speak out, or try something new. What was to come in the 1930s? A new decade, which people needed to survive the depression rather than socialize, and it would dismantle everything, which was made in the 1920s.Only Yesterday, was a very good look at the 1920s. It effectively shows what people went through in this crazy time. This book focuses around the social history of the 20s, from womens skirts to the economy of 1929. Allen ba lances this with the politics of the three presidents, which defined this era. The book is very easy to read, and spares the reader with his simple clear and simplistic style of writing. The book was immensely enjoying, and grabs the attention of the reader immediately. He refers back to the New York Times, on numerous occasions, which seems to be one of his primary sources. He uses many details to back up the stories in which he writes about. While he is not very specific in his writing, he incorporates a lot of information in the book. He told everything from the good, to the bad and even to the ugly, which clear Americas true sense. Only Yesterday a great book for anyone looking at the social history of the 1920s where individualism ran jobless and normalcy had returned.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

War: Effect on the Economy

Shomoi Francis Mr. Joseph English 12 26 November 2012 warfare Effect on Economy War has influenced frugal history deeply across time and space. Winners of fights have shaped frugal institutions and concern patterns. Wars have influenced technological developments. Above all, recurring war has drained wealth, disrupted markets, and depressed frugal growth. Wars are expensive (in money and other resources), destructive (of capital and human capital), and disruptive (of trade, resource availability, labor management). Large wars make up severe shocks to the economies of participating countries.Despite some positive aspects of short-term stimulation and long-term destruction and rebuilding, war generally impedes economic development and undermines wealth. Several specific economic effects of war recur across historical eras and locales. Next inflation, the most consistent short-term economic effect of war is to push up prices, and consequently to reduce donjon standards. This war -induced inflation was described in ancient China by the strategist Sun Tzu Where the army is, prices are high when prices bring up the wealth of the people is played out (Tzu Sun, c. 00 BCE) His advice was to keep wars short and have the money in hand before assembling an army. Paying for wars is a central problem for states (see War Finance). This was especially honest in early modern Europe (fifteenth to eighteenth centuries), when war relied heavily on mercenary forces. The king of Spain was advised that waging war required three things money, money, and more(prenominal) money. Spain and Portugal imported silver and gold from America to cede for armies, but in such large quantities that the value of these metals eventually eroded.One way governments pay for war is to raise taxes (which in overturn reduces noncombatant expenditure and investment). U. S. revolutionary Thomas Paine warned in 1787 that war has but one thing certain, and that is to increase taxes. Another w ay to pay for war is to borrow money, which increases government debt, but war-related debts can drive states into bankruptcy as they did to Spain in 1557 and 1596. A third way to fund war is to impress more currency, which fuels inflation. Inflation thus often acts as an indirect ax on a national economy to finance war. Industrial warfare, and especially the devil field Wars, created inflationary pressures across large economies. Increasingly, governments mobilized entire societies for war conscripting labor, bidding up prices in markets for natural resources and industrial goods, and diverting capital and technology from civilian to military applications. World War I caused ruinous inflation as participants broke from the gold standard and issued currency freely. Inflation also accompanied the U. S.Civil War, World War II, and the Vietnam War, among others. War-induced inflation, although squiffyest in war zones, extends to distant belligerents, such as the United States in t he World Wars, and, in major wars, even to neutral countries, owing to trade disruption and scarcities. Present-day wars continue to fuel inflation and drive currencies towards worthlessness. In Angolas civil war (1975-2002), for example, the government currency became so useless that an alternative herculean currency bottles of beer came to replace it in many daily transactions.In addition to draining money and resources from participants economies, most wars create zones of intense destruction of capital such as farms, factories, and cities. These effects severely depress economic output. The famine and plague that accompanied the thirty Years War (1618-48) killed as much as one-third of Germanys population, as mercenaries despoiled civilians and civilians became mercenaries to try to survive. World War I reduced French production by nearly half, starved hundreds of thousands of Germans to death, and led to more than a decade of glare Soviet output.One estimate put World War I s total cost at $400 billion five times the value of everything in France and Belgium at the time. Battle casualties, war-induced epidemics, and other demographic disruptions have far-reaching effects. World War I contributed to the 1918 influenza epidemic that killed millions. Military forces in East Africa may have sparked the outbreak of what became a global AIDS epidemic. Quincy Wright estimates that at least 10 percent of deaths in modern civilization can be attributed directly or indirectly to war (Wright, 1942).The U. S. baby boom after World War II continues decades later to shape economic policy debates ranging from school budgets to social security. Wars also temporarily shake up gender relations (among other demographic variables), as when men leave home and women take war jobs to replenish the labor force, as in the Soviet Union, Britain, and the United States during World War II. Countries that can fight wars beyond their borders avoid the most costly destruction (tho ugh not the other be of war).For example, the Dutch towards the end of the Thirty Years War, the British during the Napoleonic Wars, the Japanese in World War I, and the Americans in both World Wars enjoyed this relative insulation from wars destruction, which meantime weakened their economic rivals. Also, just as wars costs and outcomes affect economic conditions and evolution, so too do economic conditions and evolution affect war. Causality runs in both directions. For example, Dutch economic strengths in the early 17th century allowed fast and cheap production of ships, including warships.The resulting naval military advantage in turn supported Dutch long-distance trade. The wealth derived from that trade, in turn, let the Netherlands pay and train a professional standing army, which successfully sheltered the Netherlands from the ruinous Thirty Years War. This protection in turn let the Dutch expand their share of world trade at the expense of war-scarred rivals. Thus the evo lutions of warfare and of world economic history are intertwined. War is the proximal cause of the recurring inflationary spikes that demarcate 50-year Kondratieff waves in the world economy.Those waves themselves continue to be controversial. However, they may have some predictive value to the extent they clarify the historical bloods between war and military spending on the one hand, and inflation and economic growth on the other. The 1990s mainly followed a predicted long-wave phase of sustained low inflation, renewed growth, and reduced great-power military conflict. If this pattern were to continue, the coming decade would see continued strong growth but new upward pressures on military spending and conflict, eventually leading to a new bout of inflation in the great-power economies.Since scholars do not agree on the mechanism or even the existence of long economic waves, however, such projections are of more academic than practical interest. The relationship between military spending and economic growth has also generated controversy. Despite its pump-priming potential in specific circumstances, as during the 1930s, military spending generally acts to opposed economic growth, since it diverts capital and labor from more productive investment (such as in roads, schools, or basic research). During the Cold War, high ilitary spending contributed (among other causes) to the economic stagnation of the Soviet Union and the collapse of North Korea, whereas low military spending relative to GDP contributed to Japans growth and innovation. During the 1990s, as real military spending worldwide fell by about one-third, the United States and others reaped a peace dividend in sustained expansion. However, effects of military spending are long-term, and sharp reductions do not bring quick relief, as Russias experience since 1991 demonstrates. The global North-South divide a stark feature of the world economy is exacerbated by war.The dozens of wars currently in p rogress worldwide form an arc from the Andes through Africa to the Middle East and Caucasus, to South and Southeast Asia. In some of the worlds poorest countries, such as Sudan and Afghanistan, autochthonic warfare impedes economic development and produces grinding poverty, which in turn intensifies conflicts and fuels warfare. To conclude, you have read about the good and bad things of war effects on the economy. War has drained wealth, disrupted markets, and depressed economical growth. But, the winners of these wars often were rewarded from these wars.War is bad overall I feel that war should be the last option for any country. whole caboodle Cited Washigntonsblog. Proof that war is bad for the economy. 24 Feb. 2012. http//www. washingtonsblog. com/2012/02/debunking-the-myth-that-war-is-good-for-the-economy-once-and-for-all. html. Symonds, Peter. US wages over war. 7 Oct. 2012. http//www. globalresearch. ca/us-wages-economic-war-on-iran/5307485. http//www. joshuagoldstein. com/jgeconhi. htm.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

English as an International Language

There are lots of languages in the world and some of them f tout ensemble into the category of planetary languages or languages of wider communication, such as French, side of meat, German, Spanish, Russian, Italian and Arabic. All these languages are the formal languages of the United Nations. Among all these languages position is rightly considered to be the international language of the world, though English has assumed the function of the world language quite recently. It was only in the 1930 that the British Foreign Office stopped using French for all its official memoranda.Nowadays it is estimated that besides 300 millions autochthonic speakers, there are 300 millions who use English as the second language and 100 millions use it as a foreign language. It is listed as the official or co-official language of over 45 countries and is spoken extensively in other countries where it has no official status. A precise marked rise is evident in the use of English for occupation p urposes English is the international language of the air, and failure to use it efficiently can adventure passenger safety.English is the language of banking and industry many international firms, based in non-English countries conduct their entire operations throughout the world in English. Two thirds of all scientific papers are written in English. Over 70% of all mail is written and addressed in English. Most international tourism is conducted in English. There arent any linguistic reasons why English might be the world language, because to anyone learning English its neither much simple nor more complex than any other language. English is easy to master to some extent, because it has a simple system of declension.Some linguists divide the use of English into three circles. The inner circle is the traditional base of English and includes countries such as the United Kingdom, Ireland, the USA and former colonies Australia, New Zealand and some others. English is the native langu age or mother tongue of most people in these countries. In the outer circle are those countries where English has official or diachronic importance. This means most of the Commonwealth (the former British Empire), including high-populated countries such as India and Nigeria and others under the American sphere of influence, such as the Philippines.Here English may get along as a language for mutual understanding between ethnic language groups. Higher education, the legislature and judiciary, national commerce and so on may all be carried out predominantly in English. And the expanding circle refers to those countries where English has no official role, but nevertheless is important for certain functions, notably international business. This use of English includes most of the rest of the world. In conclusion I would like to say that the knowledge of the English language nowadays is important for career. It increases your honorarium by 30%.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Jerry Character Analysis from Chocolate War

Jerrys perseveration keeps him from selling the javas every day and giving up. First, when Jerry finds everything in his locker in shreds and does not install up and sell the chocolates, he shows his perseverance by not giving in and selling the chocolates. Instead of giving up instantly and going on with everyone else is doing, Jerry stays with it and does not fracture up, showing perseverance. Second, when Jerry was beat up by the school bully, Emile Janza, because Jerry is not selling chocolates, he also shows his perseverance by go on to refuse the chocolates.Jerry shows his perseverance again because he does not sell the chocolate even though everyone in school wants him to. Third, when Jerry is at football practice and is brought to the background again and again but continues to rise to his feet (1) again, Jerry proves his perseverance by getting up again and giving it another go instead of. With perseverance, Jerry does not give up and gives it another go instead of gi ving up right then. Similarly, Jerrys defiance also keeps him from selling the chocolates and defying authorities.First, when all of the strange things like prank cry calls and people outside his house happen to Jerry, his reactions are defiant. Jerry shows defiance because he feels that he does not need anyones help and can get all of the chocolate business out of the way himself with no ones assistance. Second, when Jerry would say, Because I dont want to (163), whenever asked why he does not sell chocolates, Jerry shows his defiance by not telling anyone the tenableness why he does not sell the chocolates no matter what anyone tells him.Instead of giving everyone a real, straight answer, he would defy anyone who asked that question. In the end, Jerry is disappointed by the perfect school in many different ways. First, when Jerry boxes against Emile Janza and gets completely beat down, Jerry shows that he has been defeated. Jerry is defeated because he is beaten in a boxing ma tch and he has gotten beat up. Second, after the boxing match and when Jerry starts to think sell whatever the school wants you to sell (248), Jerry feels defeated because everything he has done against the chocolate sale has led to nothing.He is defeated because he goes through everything that he went through without a reward or even a significant remembrance of that years chocolate sale. In conclusion, Jerry Renaults defiance and perseverance help resist the chocolates until the end when he is overcome by the students and finally becomes convinced to sell the chocolates. Work Cited Cormier, Robert. The Chocolate War. 1974. New York Random House, 1997.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Discrimination in The Workplace

For years people have been treated variantly based upon their human body, race, and gender. This has cause dissimilitude to beat dressing place and destroy people lives mentally in the work environment. Discrimination is unequal treatment of any group of people. This could apply to race, ethnic group, gender, and age (Discrimination, 2011). It has collision ones social row in the workplace, keeping certain races from establishing deceased paying jobs, and only if providing genders with limited job positions.In this paper the writer will be discussing the act of disparity in the workplace. Social Class The social class was defined by the political situation and social precondition of ones heritage. Which there argon three types of class structures lower, middle, and upper (The Social Organization of impart, pg. 76). The lower class has no job security oerdue to not having any funds salvage or assets (The Social Organization of Work, pg. 76).Lower-classman is bound to wo rk at poorly paid jobs such as McDonalds and Burger King. Jobs desire these offer no benefits for example wellness cargon and pay tuition. If these soulfulnesss argon laid off or injured the welfare of their families could be in endangerment (The Social Organization of Work, pg 76). The lower class has a small percentage of offering their peasantren an advantage to a secure job. The lower class is less in all probability to vote due to the lack of power they posses (The Social Organization of, pg 76).Discrimination in the WorkplaceDiscrimination in the Workplace According to sufficient work Opportunity Commission, Discrimination charges were up jolly from last year from 99,922 to 99,947. In terms of the volume of charges by protected class, the highest percentages were Retaliation 37. 4% Race 35. 4% Sex/Gender 28. 4% adenosine deaminase/Disability 25. 8% Nine out(a) of ten times when you go into a melodic phrase meeting, the person you are encountering for the first t ime has already organize an impression of you based on your communication with them up to that point.Your religion, race, height, nationality and even your gender are factors that most people put forward quick judgments approximately. Unfortunately, many of these judgments are stroke and assumptions. According to Oxford dictionary, favoritism is the treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in estimation of or against, a person or thing based on the class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather on the individual merit. My reasons for this message are to point out the effects of racial discrimination and how it can be prevented.Discrimination against people with different physical appearance, mental illness, or a different in-person preference such as homosexuality is a position where people should never find themselves in. Discrimination affects people from all over the world. People of all ethnicities and from all different walks of life are in fluenced in some way by workplace discrimination. One of the most common elements discriminated against is a persons ethnicity, or their race. This is called racial Discrimination. Weve all heard the statistics about first impressions.When you meet someone for the first time, according to research at University of protactinium 7% of their impression of you is based on what you say, 38% on how you say it, and a massive 55% on their appearance and manner. No wonder we care about choosing our clothes for that all fundamental meeting or job interview. What are the reasons in society that causes prejudice and discrimination? Consequently problems with discrimination are from parental discrimination, traditional labeling, and unfair generalizations. No one is born racist, sexist, or homophobic. Some parents aise their children with negative beliefs about others. This is one of the reasons why it is so hard to initiate rid of discrimination in our workplace. A parent who is an extremi st will more than likely have negative effects on how a child will treat others. In appendix traditional labeling is another(prenominal) cause of discrimination. Discriminatory labels have been passed down from generation to generation. For example many children engage in activities such as breaking windows, stealth fruit from other peoples trees, climbing into other peoples yards, or playing truancy from school.In rich neighborhoods, these acts may be viewed by parents, teachers, and police as innocent aspects of the process of growing up. In poor areas, on the other hand, these same activities efficacy be seen as tendencies towards juvenile delinquency. This relegate of labeling can easily lead to workplace bias. Lastly, unfair generalizations are another cause of discrimination. After a virtuoso person of a race or sex does something injustice, people tend to group the entire race or sex with that single persons flawed actions. This tends to happen to minorities quite lots in the workplace and also in the social life.All these things that I have listed play a significant power in molding and shaping a person character. Now Im going to talk about the effects of racial discrimination. Discrimination at work can lead to rock-bottom job performance and lower productivity. Workplace discrimination can impact the level of employee spirits. It goes without saying that if you witness jaundiced acts or are a dupe of discrimination, the experience can be crushing. Employees who are exposed to discrimination can begin to surfer the effects of oversight even if they are not the of import tar corroborate of discrimination.In addition, researchers find evidence that discrimination has a negative impact on ones mental health. Results from the study Does perceive Discrimination Affect Health, Longitudinal Relationships between Work Discrimination and Womens Physical and turned on(p) Health reveal that women were being tested and their level of stress change magnitude after experiencing job discrimination. In another study testing African American women, perceived racial discrimination at work led to high levels of depression and decreased levels of psychological well-being.These studies bring up that mental stress is caused by work discrimination. Another effect of racial discrimination is that it damages the business reputation. The U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission website contains data about discrimination lawsuits, settlements and awards. Newspapers publish stories of high-profile cases and jury trials awarding damages to plaintiffs in discrimination lawsuits. Rumors and truths spread throughout the business community, and potential applicants spread the word about businesses purported to engage in discriminatory employment practices.Allegations of discrimination can even affect the relationship between a company and its suppliers and vendors. All of this takes its toll on an organizations business reputation, its ab ility to recruit talent and, ultimately, its profitability. The saying all promotional material is good publicity doesnt apply when the publicity is about discrimination. On the contrary there are solutions to these problems. These steps will table service guide our heart and our morals. There are many ways scarce I selected two main guides to help us. One way to start the change is by renewing of your judgings.We have to change our views by disciplining ourselves. Systematic judgments exact more controlled processing and tend to put across when forming impressions of others that can affect our happiness or welfare. Learn to interact with people more on a personal level. Another way to stop discrimination is to report it. Any individual who is the victim of racial discrimination should not allow it to continue. You can report discrimination by documenting the incidents. Next you should report to a supervisor and show him the documentations. Lastly complain to EECO.File a repo rt immediately then wait for EEOC to get back to you so afterwards you can get permission to take legal action if the discrimination is clear. Exercise commitment and patience in your journey to guide stereotyping from the mind and heart. In conclusion, with this in mind learning to dig deep from other people will bring humility. We can remove the snap judgments we fox about people because someday we mogul under authority or be in the position of authority. Because discriminatory behavior can hardly be seen I challenge you to be alert about what is said or done in the workplace.We can avoid being the attacker or the victim in this situation. These indications I listed are only of the few of our automatic notions about others. We should have an equal shot to an opportunity that is presented to us. ? Bibliography The Beginners Guide To Body Language. Photograph. http//sapientology. com/body-language/how-to-read-body-language/. Matthew Michael. 2010. Web. 7 Nov 2011. . Haworth, Ab igail. agonistic to Be Fat . Marie Claire. 21072011 1-3. Web. 7 Nov. 2011. . (Haworth 1-3) Anderson, M. L. and Taylor, H. F. (2009). Sociology The Essentials.Belmont, CA Thomson Wadsworth. Giddens, A. (1991). Introduction to Sociology. New York W. W. Norton & Company. VerBruggen, Robert. Appearance Discrimination The New Racism?. National Review Online. 06292010 1-4. Web. 7 Nov. 2011. . (VerBruggen 1-4) America compulsion with beauty. Photograph. The Fashion Spot. Randle Lee. Jelosoft Enterprises, 2008. Web. 8 Nov 2011. . Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford University, 01082011. Web. 8 Nov 2011. . Pincus, Debbie . ensure Freak vs. Pushover Parenting Why Neither Works . Empowering Parents. n. page. Print. . U. S Equal Employment Opportunity Commision . Privacy Policy. Facts active Race/Color Discrimination. 2012. Web. . Daeragon , Beth . NH Employment equity Blog. NH Employment Law Blog. . (2012) . Web. 19 Nov. 2012. . Pavalko, Eliza, Krysia Mossakowski, and Va nessa Hamilton. Does Perceived Discrimination Affect Health? Longitudinal Relationships Between Work Discrimination and Womens Physical and Emotional Health. 2001. Maduff and Maduff. (2008) Discrimination. Maduff and Maduff A Civil Rights Law Firm. 2008Discrimination in The WorkplaceFor years people have been treated differently based upon their class, race, and gender. This has cause discrimination to take place and destroy people lives mentally in the work environment. Discrimination is unequal treatment of any group of people. This could apply to race, ethnic group, gender, and age (Discrimination, 2011). It has impact ones social class in the workplace, keeping certain races from establishing deceased paying jobs, and only providing genders with limited job positions.In this paper the writer will be discussing the act of discrimination in the workplace. Social Class The social class was defined by the political power and social status of ones heritage. Which there are three typ es of class structures lower, middle, and upper (The Social Organization of Work, pg. 76). The lower class has no job security due to not having any funds saved or assets (The Social Organization of Work, pg. 76).Lower-classman is bound to work at poorly paid jobs such as McDonalds and Burger King. Jobs like these offer no benefits for example health care and pay tuition. If these individuals are laid off or injured the welfare of their families could be in danger (The Social Organization of Work, pg 76). The lower class has a small percentage of offering their children an advantage to a secure job. The lower class is less likely to vote due to the lack of power they posses (The Social Organization of, pg 76).Discrimination in the WorkplaceDiscrimination in the Workplace According to Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Discrimination charges were up slightly from last year from 99,922 to 99,947. In terms of the volume of charges by protected class, the highest percentages were Retaliation 37. 4% Race 35. 4% Sex/Gender 28. 4% ADA/Disability 25. 8% Nine out of ten times when you go into a business meeting, the person you are encountering for the first time has already formed an impression of you based on your communication with them up to that point.Your religion, race, height, nationality and even your gender are factors that most people make quick judgments about. Unfortunately, many of these judgments are bias and assumptions. According to Oxford dictionary, discrimination is the treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather on the individual merit. My reasons for this message are to point out the effects of racial discrimination and how it can be prevented.Discrimination against people with different physical appearance, mental illness, or a different personal preference such as homosexuality is a position where people shou ld never find themselves in. Discrimination affects people from all over the world. People of all ethnicities and from all different walks of life are influenced in some way by workplace discrimination. One of the most common elements discriminated against is a persons ethnicity, or their race. This is called Racial Discrimination. Weve all heard the statistics about first impressions.When you meet someone for the first time, according to research at University of Pennsylvania 7% of their impression of you is based on what you say, 38% on how you say it, and a massive 55% on their appearance and manner. No wonder we worry about choosing our clothes for that all important meeting or job interview. What are the reasons in society that causes prejudice and discrimination? Consequently problems with discrimination are from parental discrimination, traditional labeling, and unfair generalizations. No one is born racist, sexist, or homophobic. Some parents aise their children with negati ve beliefs about others. This is one of the reasons why it is so hard to get rid of discrimination in our workplace. A parent who is an extremist will more than likely have negative effects on how a child will treat others. In addition traditional labeling is another cause of discrimination. Discriminatory labels have been passed down from generation to generation. For example many children engage in activities such as breaking windows, stealing fruit from other peoples trees, climbing into other peoples yards, or playing hooky from school.In rich neighborhoods, these acts may be viewed by parents, teachers, and police as innocent aspects of the process of growing up. In poor areas, on the other hand, these same activities might be seen as tendencies towards juvenile delinquency. This sort of labeling can easily lead to workplace bias. Lastly, unfair generalizations are another cause of discrimination. After a single person of a race or sex does something injustice, people tend to g roup the entire race or sex with that single persons flawed actions. This tends to happen to minorities quite often in the workplace and also in the social life.All these things that I have listed play a significant role in molding and shaping a person character. Now Im going to talk about the effects of racial discrimination. Discrimination at work can lead to decreased job performance and lower productivity. Workplace discrimination can impact the level of employee spirits. It goes without saying that if you witness discriminatory acts or are a victim of discrimination, the experience can be crushing. Employees who are exposed to discrimination can begin to surfer the effects of disrespect even if they are not the main target of discrimination.In addition, researchers find evidence that discrimination has a negative impact on ones mental health. Results from the study Does Perceived Discrimination Affect Health, Longitudinal Relationships Between Work Discrimination and Womens Phy sical and Emotional Health reveal that women were being tested and their level of stress increased after experiencing job discrimination. In another study testing African American women, perceived racial discrimination at work led to higher levels of depression and decreased levels of psychological well-being.These studies suggest that mental stress is caused by work discrimination. Another effect of racial discrimination is that it damages the business reputation. The U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission website contains information about discrimination lawsuits, settlements and awards. Newspapers publish stories of high-profile cases and jury trials awarding damages to plaintiffs in discrimination lawsuits. Rumors and truths spread throughout the business community, and potential applicants spread the word about businesses purported to engage in discriminatory employment practices.Allegations of discrimination can even affect the relationship between a company and its sup pliers and vendors. All of this takes its toll on an organizations business reputation, its ability to recruit talent and, ultimately, its profitability. The saying all publicity is good publicity doesnt apply when the publicity is about discrimination. On the contrary there are solutions to these problems. These steps will help guide our heart and our morals. There are many ways but I selected two main guides to help us. One way to start the change is by renewing of your minds.We have to change our views by disciplining ourselves. Systematic judgments require more controlled processing and tend to occur when forming impressions of others that can affect our happiness or welfare. Learn to interact with people more on a personal level. Another way to stop discrimination is to report it. Any individual who is the victim of racial discrimination should not allow it to continue. You can report discrimination by documenting the incidents. Next you should report to a supervisor and show h im the documentations. Lastly complain to EECO.File a report immediately then wait for EEOC to get back to you so afterwards you can get permission to take legal action if the discrimination is clear. Exercise commitment and patience in your journey to remove stereotyping from the mind and heart. In conclusion, with this in mind learning to dig deep from other people will bring humility. We can remove the snap judgments we make about people because someday we might under authority or be in the position of authority. Because discriminatory behavior can hardly be seen I challenge you to be cautious about what is said or done in the workplace.We can avoid being the attacker or the victim in this situation. These indications I listed are only of the few of our automatic notions about others. We should have an equal shot to an opportunity that is presented to us. ? Bibliography The Beginners Guide To Body Language. Photograph. http//sapientology. com/body-language/how-to-read-body-langu age/. Matthew Michael. 2010. Web. 7 Nov 2011. . Haworth, Abigail. Forced to Be Fat . Marie Claire. 21072011 1-3. Web. 7 Nov. 2011. . (Haworth 1-3) Anderson, M. L. and Taylor, H. F. (2009). Sociology The Essentials.Belmont, CA Thomson Wadsworth. Giddens, A. (1991). Introduction to Sociology. New York W. W. Norton & Company. VerBruggen, Robert. Appearance Discrimination The New Racism?. National Review Online. 06292010 1-4. Web. 7 Nov. 2011. . (VerBruggen 1-4) America Obsession with beauty. Photograph. The Fashion Spot. Randle Lee. Jelosoft Enterprises, 2008. Web. 8 Nov 2011. . Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford University, 01082011. Web. 8 Nov 2011. . Pincus, Debbie . Control Freak vs. Pushover Parenting Why Neither Works . Empowering Parents. n. page. Print. . U. S Equal Employment Opportunity Commision . Privacy Policy. Facts About Race/Color Discrimination. 2012. Web. . Daeragon , Beth . NH Employment Law Blog. NH Employment Law Blog. . (2012) . Web. 19 Nov. 201 2. . Pavalko, Eliza, Krysia Mossakowski, and Vanessa Hamilton. Does Perceived Discrimination Affect Health? Longitudinal Relationships Between Work Discrimination and Womens Physical and Emotional Health. 2001. Maduff and Maduff. (2008) Discrimination. Maduff and Maduff A Civil Rights Law Firm. 2008

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Compare?Contrast Van Gogh and Chagall

Compacter/Contrast Van Gogh and Chloral For this essay, I chose to comp atomic number 18 and contrast Vincent train Sagos Starry Night with Marc Chlorals l and the Village. The two pieces are lovely and just about interesting to evaluate in relationship to one another. I personally love both(prenominal) artists and upon closely examining these famous pieces, I have noticed how similar yet different these works of art are. Vincent avant-garde Gogh was a deeply troubled, post-impressionist artist and his painting Starry Night is his most famous piece.Working from memory, he painted the vegetable oil on canvas passing the time in Saint-Remy-De-Provence located in outworn France while undergoing treatment in an insane asylum. The piece is very energetic with eleven fireball yellow stars like connect-the-dots across the turgid swirls, rolling blue and grey clouds in the night sky. in that respect is a large orange, yellow crescent moon in the upper right control offset by a tall, spiraling, deep green cypress tree in the lower left area.The pulsating sky contrasted against the little houses and the central figure of the church service below, obliviously sleeping with their quiet muted colors, may be conveying that Vincent was feeling unheard and misunderstood by the tizzies of the village as well as the knowledgeableness of the church the thickly applied paint portrays this emotional intensity. The painting was done in 1898 inspired by the landscape of the asylum grounds outside his window. It is an oil on canvas and is located at The Museum of modern Art in New York City.Marc Chlorals and l and the Village is a highly imagi primordial, modern piece that illustrates his native Jewish village from his childhood in Russia. In the dreamy painting, there is a clearly conveyed interdependent community of peasants, animals and plants and is a imposition of beautifully intermingle circles and triangular shapes inspired by cubism. The colors are very vibrant an d a considerable contrast exists between the reds, blues and greens. l and the Village integrates fellowship culture both Jewish and Russian and is very emotionally charged.There is a dream-like representation of an upside down violinist that brings Fiddler on the Roof to my mind. There is also a farmer with a scythe, pastures and a goat being milked. The two central figures are a large goat gazing into the eyes of a big green man with a cap on his head and a cross round his neck and a triangular tree in his hand that I personally believe represents the tree of life from The Bible. The painting most definitely possesses a significant amount of symbolism.The different sized circles are said to represent the earths revolution around the sun and the moons revolution around the earth. The circular structure in the lower left corner is widely understand to be a solar eclipse. The oil on canvas painting measures 75 inches by 59 inches, is his most famous work and is housed in the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. Both paintings depict unit little villages beneath a night sky and convey a sense of harmony. They both contain celestial bodies and are both done in mostly green and blue.Both are comprised of organic and geometric shapes and contain religious symbolism in the form of churches and Chlorals green man has a cross around his neck, but the greatest similarity I see about the two paintings is a swirling merriment from Van Sagos exaggerated stars and clouds to Chlorals up-side-down musician and houses. I like the free license of post impressionism and modernism that allows the artists to envoy their personal perspectives anyway that they would like. Both paintings are housed at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.Marc Chloral and Vincent van Gogh are really quite different. They are from two different time periods, Chloral being a modernist and van Gogh a post-impressionist. They also have different cultural backgrounds. Marc Chloral was most empha tically a Jewish artist and he was Russian born. Vincent van Gogh was a Dutch painter who was called to be a Christian evangelist at one time. The two paintings differ in that Chlorals forms are ore geometrical, self-aggrandizing the impression of precision while Van Sagos figures are much more organic in nature containing lots of bright, swirls spirals. L and the Village is composed of blue, green, unobjectionable and red colors while Van Sagos Starry Night contains blue, green, white and yellow. As this essay draws to a close, I can honestly say that it has been most educational. Now that I know a lot more about Vincent van Gogh and Marc Chloral, I am experiencing a heightened interest in perusing their life histories and other works of art. I loved both pieces and feel a new relatedness to them.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Cellular Tower Proliferation In The United States Essay

The Cellular tower proliferation in the United States article dialog about the growth and culture of cellular converse over the years. The article looks at how the current found of this communication came to be with a review of the stages the process has undergone. The article reviews the results of the demand for wireless communication where in that location has been an increase in infrastructure to facilitate the homogeneous. Though erected with the right intention in mind, the article reviews how the same has not gone well as expected (Wilke, 45-62). The rise of many structures to support the cellular communication has led to a dramatic change in the landscape all over America. This has in hold generated reactions from various groups. Objections are one of the reactions. The same are from members of the community, various interest groups and regulatory boards. The reasons for objections vary from those who murmur about the visual tints of the erected infrastructure to the perceived risks associated from the same structures being within human residential areas. The proximity of such infrastructure is perceived to have negative health hearts. The article finishes by reviewing the steps interpreted to mitigate the negative effects emanating from cellular communication with examples such as infrastructure modification to plump with the environment to maintain the visual appeal (Wilke, 45-62).Analysing the article, one take accounts that is a great eye opener to the effect of technology in the society. As an individual, one is able to appreciate how far humanity has inject in terms of development. For this case, the rise and improvement in communication networks has benefited the society. The historical analysis of how communication networks have come to be gives one the opportunity to associate with this technology and appreciate the work put into it. By doing this, a clear image is painted to the author where the article acts as a source of informa tion in this case on cellular technology. As one covers the different issues in the article, one is able to appreciate that though the society demands the earth of some amenities such as communication structures as identified, the existence of the same and impact cannot be ignored. The society may invent such amenities for the sidereal day to day use and are not willing to live with the consequences, especially the negative ones. The highlight of the front end of communication towers and subsequent change of the landscape serves as an appropriate example. It shows the never ending conflict mingled with humanity and his inventions. However, one feels that more examples would have been fit to shed more light on the impact of the technologies with the development in cellular communication acting as the illustration of what is happening to the society. In screening the various mitigating strategies used in combating the negative effects of the cellular communication infrastructure , one is able to take a crap the need for a thorough understanding and deep analysis of any form of invention ahead introducing it to the society. A personal take is that experiments and studies should be done in such a way that in case problems arise with the inventions, quick steps are taken to combat the same.The article provokes one to doubtfulness the presence of other inventions whose impact has been profound apart from the example given such as the cellular infrastructure. The article also makes one question the impact of the same form of technological advancement in this case the cellular infrastructures in other parts of the world apart from America. One cannot help but think of the impact of the same on a global scale and what is in for mankind if development in the same area continues with the same trend.ReferencesWilke, Thomas A. CELLULAR TOWER PROLIFERATIONIN THE UNITED STATES.The Geographical limited review92.1 (2002) 45-62. Print.Source document

Monday, May 20, 2019

High School Attendance Essay

High check represents a stage where majority of disciples grow up and off an advanced degree of self-comprehension. This period is therefore very vital two to immediate shal disordered life and the life beyond take aimhouse. Mandatory condition overrule out could soundly reflect the immensity placed on cultivate daying as well as the appreciation of the role education plays in preparing children and youth to become productive bounteouss. Students who consistently search aim be exposed to more culture than their counterparts who render infrequent school turn out.Chances for disciples excelling academically be directly proportional to the number of instances assimilators ar present in school. On the contrary, scholars who skip school are more likely to be come to in grave social harms and enter into troubles. Truancy, or Skipping rail, is the term given to unjustifiable school absenteeism with no knowledge of guardians or parents. Recurring illnesses and fa mily problems ordinarily result in absenteeism. However, such absenteeism is not of crucial fear to school administrators. Rather, unjustifiable absenteeism is the b whiz of contention plaguing schools both in America and elsewhere.Chronic absenteeism predisposes student offenders to both academic and social problems. Every state requires all school-age juveniles to be present at school. enquiry has persistently established that a students academic accomplishment is more closely linked to school punctuality and attending than any other factor that is controllable by the student and their families. Recurrent student absentees depict measly performance and are prone to penalization through exam scores. It is necessary that students are present in classrooms to profit by listening to teachers and interacting and exchanging ideas with fellow students and teachers.Extreme non attending influences the classroom culture by occasioning unsatisfactory or incomplete work, undermining of a cademic progress, reduced course scores and limited ability to foregather curricular principles. Thus students who desire to excel academically ought to consistently attend classes instructors ought to also courage school attendance. Constant absenteeism and truancy commonly are prerequisites to premature exit from school and negatively affect students, the bountiful ups they eventually become and surrounding society.The topic Center for nurture Engagement in 2007 stated that truants exhibit lower scores, get barred out of school, leave school or they endure lower gritty up school graduation order than counterparts exhibiting lower instances of unjustifiable absenteeism. It was also established that particular schools expel student low-achievers and truants with a view to push up think up academic performance as reflected by say promotion, grades and graduation frequencies.Chronic truancy student offenders exhibit some mannerisms that interrupt classes thus making teachers knowledge work difficult and hampering students encyclopaedism obtains. Administrators are thus obligated to spend more time attending to disciplinary concerns at the expense of normal school activities. Findings of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency legal fraternity (OJJDP) 2001 look link truancy to additional problems like drug and substance misuse, mob activity, vandalism, delinquency, w cardinal reprehensible activity( burglary and automobile theft) and quitting school.Other researchers receive determined that truancy per se can result in, (or streng then present) risk of exposure activities, provided that out-of-school students are not supervised and are alienated from positive peers and adults influence. Male criminal tendencies studies have linked truancy with later-year violent offences. In addition, grown ups who exhibited truancy in juvenile years have increases likelihood of having poor social dexterity, hold low paying occupations, are extra probab le to attend on Welfare Support and are increasingly likely to be imprisoned.Gangs of young individuals roaming the streets at school times appear menacing. Increased truancy in Tacoma Washington was linked to juvenile-committed crimes like vandalism and burglary. School districts having elevated truancy instances exhibit rock bottom educational performance rates. such(prenominal) connection usually is established by way of truancy regulations which consider automatic course failure where scholars are much absent. Thus scholars who inconsistently attend school are less likely to clear from high school.The National Center for Education Statistics estimates that from 1992 to 2002, 3 million juveniles (16-21 years) have not completed or have not been admitted to high school. Such figures represent close to eleven part of United States juveniles. In the group, disproportionate minority scholars numbers exist. For instance, thirty percent Hispanics dont successfully go through school . The figures go up to forty four percent if overseas-born students are included. High school failure affects individual students as well as the society.Affected scholars are unable to join college, are more prone to getting low-salaried occupations and experience political indifference. In return, such individuals represent losses in levy income, may have health complications, and are a burden on communal services. The US Department of Labor estimates that 6. 7% of adult persons without high school qualifications are probable to be without a job. On the other hand, as concerns those having an undergraduate degree, a unadulterated 1. 8 percent have unemployment probabilities. Truancy affects not only the youth offenders nevertheless also the grown ups they ultimately become.Grown ups who exhibited youth chronic truancy at school are faced with higher(prenominal) risks of experiencing many problems such as poor mental and physical health, welfare and poverty, captivity and bringi ng up children who also depict problem mannerisms. A 1996 to 1997 research indicates that school administrators regarded absenteeism, tardiness, physical disagreements, and skipping classes as the leading three grave discipline matters in schools. Past studies have revealed that school attendance rates start dwindling at middle school. a mere 55. 1 percent of Hispanic learners, 87. 5 percent of Korean American scholars, 42.6 percent of African American learners, 90 percent of Nipponese American scholars , 94. 1 percent of Chinese American scholars and 52. 1 percent of Native American learners are present in 91 to 100 percent of their entire classes. A 1995 cartoon in Los Angeles coordinated School District concluded that five percent of scholars unjustifiably absent themselves from school per day. A alike Denver survey established that twenty percent of students in community schools satisfied the requirements to be regarded as truant in 2006. By high school, numbers progressivel y drop thus upholding inter-group gaps.A mere 37. 8 percent of Filipino scholars, 21. 5 percent of native American scholars, 24 percent of Latino scholars, 59. 8 percent of Korean American scholars, 68. 43 percent of Chinese American scholars and 18. 6 percent of African American scholars attend ninety one to one hundred percent of classes. A Minneapolis study established that learners who accompanied 95% of class time had double chances of excelling in State language-arts examinations as compared to counterparts who attended for 85% class time.After review of attendance guidelines, it was established that Minnesota students having one percent attendance increase had I% State mathematics and reading examinations increases. It was also determined that mathematics grades are mainly sensitive and responsive to attendance variations. In Rochester and Buffalo, research concluded that learners having between eighty five and one hundred percent State English Examinations scores had been present in school for a mean of ninety three percent of stipulated time. Students scoring below fifty four percent had attended for eighty five percent of school time.San Franciscan reports illustrate conspicuous disparities between achievement and attendance which of late prompted the citys school monitor to instruct local authorities to maintain consistent school attendance rates. A Connecticut Naugatuck High School study revealed that ninety percent of frequent student absentees failed in not less than one course in First Quarter scores. Timely school attendance is crucial in maintaining the knowledge environment as well as satisfying in-person learning requirements.Students increase the probabilities of achieving sustainability in learning and nurturing of desirable habits cherished by strength post-school employers by law-abiding punctuality and consistent school turnout. Poor school turnout can result in poor examination results, pre-mature school exit and poor life opport unities for students. Research findings have established that students, who consistently attend school thus obtaining higher scores, enjoy school-life more and are happier after exiting school. Proper school attendance also results in better employment prospects and consequently reduced welfare reliance.By consistently attending classes, students area able to obtain the knowledge, attitudes plus skills which are essential for efficient school and later-life learning. Poor turn out is linked to learner alienation plus disengagement, factors which could result in school drop out. The consequences arising from school non-attendance are grave for students.Research has established that students who develop the habits of being punctual and ever-present at school have the inherent conviction that school life will aid them attain future objectives. Such students also gain skills in budgeting their time so as to maintain punctuality, since they know in their subconscious, that their movemen t in class maximizes learning experiences. Such students grow to become a mutual society of learners who attain educational excellence and develop essential skills necessary to transform them into imaginative thinkers, enduring learners and accountable community associates in a dynamic diverse world.When large numbers of students are consistently absent, co-operative efforts between teacher and students to develop skill are thwarted. Other than failing academically, frequent student class absentees have higher probabilities of finding themselves on the wrong side of the law and occasion community problems. An Arizona Rodel Community Scholars 2008 research involving tracking scholars from nursery school to high school established that exit patterns and poor attendance are related. Obvious behavioral disparities, between students who pursue education up to graduation and drop outs, were detected.Drop outs had absented themselves by a mean of one hundred and twenty four days by the tim e they were in grade eight. Truancy negatively affects school and communities economically in the long run. State assistance is usually disbursed to districts and schools on the basis of mean daily turn out. This is especially true for schools that depend on monetary assistance on the basis of Full Time Equivalent principles. Monetary losses owing to high absenteeism rates are extreme. For instance, absenteeism results in $19 loss for each student for every day in Unified School District of Oakland.The figures translate to $4 million each year. Truancy therefore has the potential to influence the outcome of a school. Numerous States school uptake projections are developed based on mean daily turn outs per school. Such expenditure projections are harmed owing to student absenteeism. Incase numerous students consistently absent themselves schools are left with little money to cater for necessary classroom requirements. employment of turnout as a pointer to the effectiveness of a sc hool influences the disbursement of national wealth to districts and schools.Since truancy is usually a prerequisite for quitting school, public coffers are ultimately affected by the vice. Research has determined that a person who drops out of high school expends a life-span mean of $200,000 of public pay more than similar expenditure for ceremonious high school students. Such additional public expenditure results from lost levy income, criminal integrity, medical care and expenditures on community services and imprisonment. In virtually schools, students are accountable for make-up activities related to excusable absenteeism.An appropriate time, prior to or following conventional school time, is sought to by students handle the work assisted by teachers. Incase students are unobtainable during this time, they have to set other occasions to pick assignments and submit the same to teachers. This is quite inconveniencing for students and could lead to low productivity and thus lo wer grades.Schools exhibiting high truancy rates experience reduced student learning and also reduced instructional instances. When absent, students miss learning experiences and teachers have to attempt top offer indemnification upon resurfacing of the students. This results in extra reduction of instructional occasions by fellow students. Absenteeism consequences pour out of the school into the community. Low educational achievement coupled with progressive reduction of tuition time among chronic student absentees is a sure recipe for imminent school quitting.Drop outs adopt delinquent and criminal lifestyles impact society tremendously. A 1999 Lee and Lotz research has revealed that delinquency is more among poor performing students with erratic attendances who then quit school. Another 1993 study states that truancy precipitates delinquency and grown up crime later as is depicted in Georgia where 82% of prisoners are drop outs from high school. some schools require that stude nts be present at school for a minimum of ninety percent of school sessions each term.School management boards could reject progression to subsequent grades to students who violate these stipulations. some existing regulations state that class absenteeism, with the expulsion of conventional instances, is factored in determining percent attendance as well as promotion eligibility. Some tougher penalties have been determined elsewhere. For instance, Connecticuts authorities have enacted regulation that calls for imposition of fines amounting to $25 per day, to the offend student, the parents or both, for chronic truancy.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Human resouce management Essay

1. To assure that the supervisors claims be true, who give you contact? What questions will you ask? What precautions should you take to assure that your investigation is confidential and legally defensible?To confirm that the supervisors claims are true, I would contact data processing to look at the gross gross sales data. I would want a record of Jeanettes sales, and also the department sales for comparison. I would also betoken this from the supervisor. I would instruct both the DP department and the Sales Manager to keep my request confidential. However, it would be reasonable to confirm data so there is nothing wrong with checking data.2. Review the accompaniment available related to this case. Is there enough documentation in place based on ascertain policy and your experience as an HR manager? Explain. There is enough documentation based on the discipline policy to suspend the employee. According to Exhibit 12.3.5 an employee will be given a communicative warning, w hich is gestural by supervisor (12.3.3.). Next a written warning will be documented, signed by supervisor (12.3.2). I am guessing the dates are October of prior year for exhibit 12.3.3. It is followed by December to June of the next year. In Exhibit 12.3.4 follows the procedure of a written warning to be documented and copied to the HR manager. The next step, however, is suspension. The employee should be suspended. The sales manager is correct, it will not help most likely, however that is the order policy.3. Assume that the finale is warranted. Managers typically hold termination meetings at The Daily Review and it is not unheard of for the HR department to conduct this meeting. Given the available information, who should conduct the meeting? What locomote will you take to prepare the manager and/or yourself for this meeting? Prepare an agenda for the termination meeting. Nevertheless, anticipate the termination is warranted it would be wise for the sales manager to handle the termination in the presence of an HR representative. I would go through the entire process with the sales manager of possible scenarios. In addition, I would confirm that he would call Jeanette in, inform her of his decision to terminate her based on her lack of sales and failure to schedule training previously petitioned.The agenda would inquire to call Jeanette in the office. Tell her she is be terminated for failure to arrange her job and to attend training. Hand Jeanette her last check, walk her to her desk to get her retention and assist her out the door. Terminations should be handled quickly and professionally. I would advice Paul, the sales manager, not to add any chromatography column comments regarding her performance but keep to the bare minimum on the facts. This termination should not come as a surprise to Jeanette. She and the rest of the department are aware that she is not making sales. It is time for a change, while the process should be professional, withou t emotion and discussion.4. The Daily Register has some guidelines for severance packages, benefits, and outplacement services, but they are very informal and typically decided upon on a case-by-case basis. In this locating, what would you recommend for Jeanette? I would not offer Jeanette any severance package, benefits, or outplacement services. Jeanette was warned she was not completing her job. She has already cost the company money for failure to perform her duties. Discussion Question 6I know, this unit_6 is talking about to wee relationship, but some times is necessary to fire people. The question here is on how to terminate employees for cause, typically for disciplinary reasons or for poor performance. How do I fire people legally and humanely? deuce-ace Legal Reasons for Terminating an Employee1. The first legal reason that an employer can use to confirm the termination of an employee is if the employee violated a known company rule. For such reason to be upheld in a cou rt of legal philosophy, the employer will adopt to prove that (1) the rule actually exists (2) the employee knew that it existed (3) the rule was violated (4) other employees were terminated for the same infraction and (5) the termination was reasonable punishment for the infraction.2. The second legal reason to terminate an employee is if they are not able to perform their job sufficiently. I order to defend this reason for termination in a court of law the employer must be capable to establish that the employee was incompetent to do their tasks. For instance, the employer took reasonable steps to try and break the employees performance by addressing the issues in several instances before terminating the employee. Documented license is crucial in a scenario like this to prove that the employers position in this kind of situation is correct and legitimate.3. The final legal reason for terminating an employee is if it is in the best economic interest of the company in question. F or example, the company is downsizing its workforce for economic reasons. Layoffs are common reasons for terminations in firms that are downsizing or restructuring. Courtesy should be held high in a layoff situation, giving employees who are involved in a layoff need to be given at least 60 days notice. This civility or annotation is required by the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN). http//www.aftermarket.org/Magazine/InsiderArchives/Toolbox/Termination.pdf http//www.doleta.gov/programs/factsht/warn.htm consider as multi-pages

Saturday, May 18, 2019

World History Homework

Muslim eclipse touch Indian government and society when Sultans Introduced this rule and many Turks, Persians and Arabs migrated to India to serve as officials or soldiers. Trade amongst Indian and Muslim lands Increased. During the Mongol raids of the sasss, many scholars and adventurers fled from Baghdad to India, bringing Persian and Greek learning.The newcomers helped create a brilliant civilization at Delhi, where Persian art and architecture flourished. 3. The founders of the Delhi sultanate were able to conquer northern India because the Sultans no longer controlled a large imperium and northern India fragmented Into rival Hindu and Muslim states. During violent onslaughts, many Hindus were killed and the two groups clashed and did not abide along at all. . Relations of Hindus and Muslims grew to better terms over time. Eventually, the Delhi sultans grew more tolerant of their Hindu subjects, and Hinduism was true as a monotheistic religion. Hindus were allowed to prac tice their religion as long as they paid a poll tax. Some Hindu even converted to Islam.Schism, a religion which blended both Hindu and Muslim belief came Into form. 5. The rejection of toleration of Hindu beliefs will probably bring more struggle and battles between the Hindu and Muslim. The Hindus and Muslims are back to being enemies and both empires will probably be effected naughtily and will have an economic decline. World History 10-4 Homework By manservant 2. Muslim rule affected Indian government and society when Sultans introduced this soldiers.

Friday, May 17, 2019

International Marketing Environment

Inter acresal Marketing Environment Alfredo Carmona Prof. Simone Farrar Marketing 320 February 3, 20 In straighta musical modes fierce grocery store it is important for muckles to go orbiculate. This isnt an easy task as it admits a lot of c atomic number 18ful planning and research in order to be successful at an internationalistic level. The competition butt end come from local companies to otherwises looking to also expand into worldwide markets. This is why it is so important for a confederation to analyze this new market and familiarize themselves with them. This can lead to product changes, marketing changes even product name changes once all is taken into consideration.The research process can be lengthy and costly but will ultimately lead to the success of a corporation planning to do business abroad. The marketing process is very important for a companys success. It must be implemented and planned wherefore for each market. The marketing process consists of four stages. The scratch stage is the analysis. In this stage data is collected and analyzed on the target market. The characteristics and behaviors of this group are very important. These characteristics are summarized using the cardinal Os.The first of the eight Os is occupants which is the market the company intends to target. Occupants will categorize the target market based on demographics, geography, psychographics and product related variables. These categorizations function the marketers break down considerable markets into much smaller workable groups. The next of the eight Os is objects. This describes the service or product that will be used to satisfy the target markets pauperisations make is the third of the eight Os. This characterizes the moment and time that these customers consume or purchase the product or service.The fourth of the Os is objectives. Objectives are the motives that create the need for your product or service. The fifth of the Os is outlets. Outlet s are the designates or ways a service and product are made ready(prenominal) to the target market. This would include stores, websites etc. Organization is the way a buying or acceptance of the liking or service takes place. This will help the marketer render how the need is created and the purchase is executed (Muhlbacher, Leihs & Dahringer, 2006). The ordinal of the eight Os is operations. Operations represent a solids buying of products and services.This includes analyzing how difficult a companys product or service will be to break through the market. The last of the eight Os is opposition. This is where the competition will be analyzed. Any other company that offers a gladness for the same need is considered competition. Once the eight Os flummox been analyzed a firm will flummox a better understanding of the needs of their market, how to satisfy these needs and the best way to stay ahead of its competition. A firm that is going global must also plan accordingly to f oreign policies regarding imports and exports.The government has played a large role in international business. Some nations have hard-and-fast restrictions and other forms of limitations regarding foreign products and services. The government uses forms of import controls in order to stabilize their countries economic raise. Tariffs place a tax on imports and raise the price of these imported products. Quota systems are also used by the government. Quota systems are used to reduce the volume of imports accepted by a country (Czinkota & Ronkainen, 2010). These regulations can have a big impact companies looking to break into the foreign markets.The government can also be even stricter and impact the global market more by boycotting business from certain nations. This is a strict plan where a country refuses to do business with another nation. This can lead to inflation of prices and other major changes to the international trade market. Nations governments have a played a big role in international business. Sometimes their role is in the best interest of their governing nations. Other times the restrictions are purely political hurting both their countries consumers and foreign based companies doing business in those countries.A company must analyze and incorporate the economic state of the nation they plan on doing business with. The economic state of a nation tells much about it. The physical quality of life is a composite tone of the level of welfare in a country (Czinkota & Ronkainen, 2010). This analysis is important as these relate straightaway to countries wellbeing and how your product or service will be effective in that respected country. Those nations with sorry economic growth and high levels of poverty would not be candidates for an expansion of luxury line of cars.However this nation might be the perfect setting for a cell phone company as the need for communications is at all-time high for developing nations. A firm that decides to invest i n a foreign market is taking a risk. Any company planning on going global must understand that entering a foreign market comes with many risks and challenges. If any of the planning has flaws, a financial loss could be the end result. A company needs to analyze the risk and understand if they can afford the financial loss should their venture be unsuccessful. Success may also take time to occur.A company must comprehend that positive results can take time to come about. The large investment that is needed at first to fund the planning can take time to recover but ultimately lead to the companys success. Czinkota, M. R. , & Ronkainen, I. A. (2010). International marketing. Mason, OH Cengage Learning. Muhlbacher, H. , Leihs, H. , & Dahringer, L. (2006). International marketing a global perspective. (3rd ed. ). London, England Thomson Publishing Company. Shaming, Z. , & Huifen, H. (2011). International marketing Emerging markets. (Vol. 21). Wagon Lane, England Emerald Group Publishing .

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Research and critically discuss the impact of Taylorism and Fordism on Essay

investigate and critically discuss the impact of Taylorism and Fordism on contemporary counseling get ones and practices - Essay ExampleFor instance, one of the limitations of Taylorism is the absence seizure of autonomy and lack of flexibility (Fruijt, 2003, p. 4) which can make jobs become repetitive and boring (Lucey, 2005, p. 65). On the opposite hand, Fordism is being criticized for being ineffective when managing business organizations during slow economic growth (Amin, 2003). Even though a lot of modern companies have decided to move away from the use of Taylorism and Fordism when managing people, it is assumed that some forms of wariness practices and approaches that were introduced under the models of Taylorism and Fordism are still very much applicable in todays management approaches and practices.To help the readers gain a better understanding of the subject matter, the similarities and differences between Taylorism and Fordism will first be tackled followed by critic ally analyzing the effects of Taylorism and Fordism on the present-day management approaches and practices.The models of Taylorism and Fordism were very much applicable in managing large-scale manufacturing firms back in 1980s (Henderson, 2011, p. 8). Furthermore, both models of Taylorism and Fordism focused on how to increase mass mathematical product efficiency (Tatli, 2008 Amin, 2003, p. 6 Fruijt, 2003). Considered as a traditional strategy used in management planning, Fordism introduced the thought of just in case approach (Alfasi & Portugali, 2004 Amin & Tomaney, 1995, p. 206). In line with this, Fordists just in case approach is all about stockpiling either parts or finished goods (Waters, 2013, pp. 80 81). Likewise, to reduce employees dollar volume rate and work resistance, Henry Ford decided to introduce the need to pay employees a higher(prenominal) wage for their services (i.e. five dollar day) (Vidal, 2011). Fordism also requires the need to separate business willpo wer with management control, decentralization, acknowledgement of labour unions, collective bargaining, and the

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Investigative report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Investigative report - Essay ExampleI would runen to client as I walked nigh. It is important for you to note that Wal-Mart food chain stores are not as effective as you may think. The retail stores have a shortage of employees, a problem that people could hardly discover. Despite this problem, I observed that they stock a wide range of food and food product products (Kipple, Adam and Wherry 23).During my shoot the breeze to this Wal-Mart grocery store, I found that most customers prefer to blackleg there because the retail outlet stocks a variety of foods and grocery products. The food chain store stocks products such as cereals, soft drinks, fish, milk, fruit and vegetables. The list of grocery products on the shelves is endless. I found out that the retail store have a distinctiveness in availing products to the consumers on time (Kipple, Adam and Wherry 24). You should note that my observations were supplemented by consumer talks, which were not deduced from interviews. In deed, I walked around the retail store just like any other consumer and never interviewed anyone. On another antithetic note, the retail store had a shortage of employees ranging from the shop attendants, cashiers to the supervisors. The customers were hanging around the corridors and shelves because there were few shop attendants to direct them.Additionally, the same customers would line up for several minutes before they pay for the goods to the cashiers. There were umteen customers inside the retail store, not because they loved the store so much, but, due to the fact that employees were inadequate. I had fancy that Wal-Mart is perfect and efficient even before visiting their food chain store. Being the leading grocery business in the US and the world, one might think that there are no problems in its operations. You should note that the retail store does well in stocking many types of products, but, has a shortage of employees to meet the customer needs.I will go beyond and r emind you that Whole Foods is another company that deals with

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Concept of Human Resource Management Assignment

The idea of Human Resource Management - Assignment ExampleAll these careers relate to the training, developing and managing an aspect of the ride force in an organization. They cater to an extensive application of all the theories and aspects of the human resource knowledge in a broader aspect.Many organizations require a cracking personal, professional and academic profile in golf club to recruit people for the position of any happy job in management title. For less skilled job or fresh graduates with less or no experience, initial level jobs are offered. On the other hand, those candidates, who possess more experience and have the great qualification, are normally offered managerial level jobs in the human resource field.In this case, the Training and development Specialists are required to have fundamental knowledge of HR, a bachelors degree in the required field, and diplomas or certificates in the palm of training and developing the people. This is also performed by the individuals who are specialists in the field of managing people. Compensation and benefits in this designation are on an average level, while the job may be on a contractual basis only.Compensation and Benefits Manager is the position of a senior or managerial level. This position requires a Masters degree in the relevant field, an acquaintance of candidates with the subject of accountancy and finance, and a good amount of long experience. The candidates with extra qualification and certificates are usually preferred for this post. The compensation and benefits may exchange from organization to organization however, the managers are normally given higher salary packages and good non-cash benefits too. These include car, cellular phone phones, laptops, and other things.